Welcome to Gosto!
What is Gosto?
Gosto, meaning "taste" in Portuguese, is all about letting you try delicious new products safely, on your own terms, easily and conveniently before you buy. Here’s how it works:
Step-by-Step Guide to Using Gosto
After scanning the QR code on the sample stack box you’re holding look below to find the brand logo.
Discover Your Sample: The box contains a yummy sample of the product from the brand logo displayed on the box. The sample is sealed in a heat-sealed, sanitary bag to ensure freshness and safety.
Try Your Sample: Tear open the bag and enjoy your sample!
Learn More About the Product: Want to know more about what you’re tasting? Click the button below on the Gosto website to learn about the ingredients, product description, and other details.

Brand/Product Currently Sampling
Click a logo to learn about the product including: allergen info, ingredients, and nutritional info.